GEMS is an organization of ordinary people who believe that ordinary people do make a difference when they work together. Committed to bringing relief to people hurt by both poverty and disasters, we gather and facilitate the distribution of humanitarian goods (such as blankets, clothing, food, medical supplies, housing and construction equipment) to the places of need around the world.
GEMS believes that people who live and work in areas of need have the greatest understanding of how and where aid can best be distributed. Partnering with established and reputable individuals and organizations at home and around the world enables us to get much needed resources to the people who really need them as quickly and efficiently as possible without excessive administrative and distribution costs.
Over the years, we have shipped over 70 containers of much needed supplies to 17 countries in five continents. In addition we have supplied clothing, food and resources to refugees, the homeless and the needy within our own borders.
Global Emergency Missions Society is registered in Victoria, BC and has charity status with Canada Revenue Agency. It is operated on a volunteer basis and is supported by freewill gifts and donations.