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Our Latest Blog Posts
  • Needs in Chile and Haiti

    Ron May, 23, 2011

    When earthquakes struck Haiti and Chile last year, GEMS was able to send much needed supplies. As time passes, the attention of the world drifts,…

  • More photos from Haiti

    More photos from Haiti

    Ron May, 17, 2010

    These photos just begin to express the joy and excitement people experience as they unpack the aid and supplies. As we work together, we can…

  • More help arrives in Haiti

    More help arrives in Haiti

    Ron May, 14, 2010

    [caption id="attachment_221" align="aligncenter" width="300"] dolls bring joy in the midst of devastation[/caption] Thanks to the wonderful generosity of Dallas Baptist Church in Kamloops, BC, much…

  • Supplies arrive in Haiti

    Supplies arrive in Haiti

    Ron Feb, 22, 2010

    Our first shipment of soup, tent and tarps has arrived in Port au Prince. UN escort accompanied the supplies from port in the Dominican Republic.…

  • Soup for Haiti

    Soup for Haiti

    Ron Jan, 22, 2010

    [gallery columns="2"] January 22, 2010 container being loaded at Heppel's Farm in Surrey The news is full of images of the devastation caused by the…

  • Urgent Need in Haiti

    Ron Jan, 15, 2010

    January 15, 2010 As most of you are aware of already, a major earthquake struck the capital of Haiti earlier this week, causing tremendous damage,…