POSTED BY Ron | Apr, 07, 2015 |

In recent years GEMS has partnered with the “One Person Project” and Director Brenda Lowe in sending several containers to the Muvuma orphanage and local hospital in Kahama Tanzania.

Beyond the basic needs the children of the orphanage were overwhelmed and excited when they received their new soccer balls and uniforms. We are currently raising funds to finish construction of the larger orphanage so that more children can be helped.

In mid January 2015 the most recent container arrived in Kahama. It was filled with clothing, shoes, sportswear, medical supplies, educational and construction material, and more.

Muvuma almost ready for the roof

Muvuma almost ready for the roof

Soccer balls and uniforms for schools

Soccer balls and uniforms for schools

Unloading container in Kahama

Unloading container in Kahama

Muvuma almost ready for the roof

Muvuma almost ready for the roof

Beds for Kahama Hospital

Beds for Kahama Hospital

TAGS : Tanzania hospital orphanage

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