We received a report from Daniel Sladariu in Romania of a container that GEMS sent from the Langley depot to Ploiestei Romania. The container was received in 2014 by Dan Sladariu of Fundatia Samanteanul Milos Foundation.
“We have been busy this two weeks unloading & distributing the container. In the town of Plopeni, the Senior’s Home which we are Partners with received enough soup mix to last them one year. Boldesti Gypsy village. These people are very poor. Seventy five children are being fed a good meal each school day, and their grades are improving as a result of not being too hungry to pay attention! Very much thanks to you and appreciation for what you are doing for their village!
Valeni de Munte village received a big share of supplies. There are many large and poor families there. The Baptists who have an orphanage with fifty abandoned children are so grateful that you are helping them every month to feed all the hungry mouths, and clothe these dear children. This work has been going for several years and is made possible by your supplies of food, clothing, medicines, educational materials and many other goods.
Alin Panea – director of the Broshten Orphanage of 100 children is our Partner. They received some supplies from another charity, and shared nearly a ton of rice with us. Thus, we are able to include rice, vegetable, & meat with our daily meals for multitudes of very needy children!
Marcel – Director of Our Home for Abandoned Senior’s says a special thanks for the woolen, knitted slippers!
What a blessing for these seniors to have warm feet!”
Daniel Sladariu
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