POSTED BY Ron | Feb, 03, 2012 |

A container that was sent on October 27, 2011 has been delayed due to custom regulations in Romania. It was to go to Crihalma (Brasov region) for Albert Enns. It arrived in early January and was due to clear customs by the 9th. However, upon arrival we were made aware of new import rules concerning medical equipment.

Two weeks ago we were given the choices to either destroy the equipment, have the container sent back to Canada or find another country to take the supplies. Given the cost of these choices we have decided to send it to Cahul in Moldova, a small country bordering Romania. Currently it is in the port city of Constanta, Romania and we are hoping that it will be released tomorrow, (February, 3).

This is an example of some of the many problems that can arise when shipping containers overseas. The cost is not limited to the shipment but can run thousands of dollars over in these cases. Please continue to pray that the doors will be open for this one to make it safely to a place it can be used. Our next container will also be sent to Romania, pray that it will not experience the troubles of our latest shipment.
constanta, port city of romania

TAGS : Romania container customs medical equipment trouble

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