The second container of much needed supplies has arrived in Romania. Albert Enns who is handling the distribution of the goods shares this report:
Finally the day came for the [first] container to arrive. It was a huge event in our little village to see such a big truck delivering goods and then to have a crane lift the container off the wheels and set it on the ground! For the villagers it was more exciting than anything that had happened here in a long while! Adding to the excitement was the fact that we had just had a severe winter storm –well – severe for us and so the roads were icy making the small corners difficult to maneuver so that the crane had to pull the truck backwards to get it out of our small crescent!
…Then the task of distributing all the aid… [I] was on the road for several weeks, put on many miles, but made many hospitals, orphanages, and churches very happy and thankful for God’s provisions in a time when resources are extremely difficult to come by.
The ship carrying our [second] container was involved in an accident – at sea – just days before it was to arrive in Constanta! The ship was so badly damaged that it had to be unloaded and all containers loaded onto another ship.
This time it had rained so bad that the truck could not make it into our corner and we had to unload the container onto wagons behind tractors which delivered it to our yard. Once again, the village turned out to watch, this time able to see close up what was being delivered!
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