POSTED BY Ron | Apr, 12, 2009 |

Zimbabwe is a country standing on the brink of two decades of turmoil. Imagine hyperinflation reaching well over 200 million percent and an unemployment rate conservatively estimated at 80 percent.

We’ve facilitated three shipments to Zimbabwe to ease the suffering and poverty there.

The first has already arrived. It contains 250,000 water purification packet. Each packet can purify 10 litres of water in under 30 minutes at a cost of less than a penny a litre. That means $40 can provide clean drinking water to an entire family for one year. For this shipment we are working in partnership with Pure Compassion Ministries. Mercy Air flew the packets into Harare from Malawi.

Two other shipments are en route by sea and should arrive in two to three months. One was shipped from Norfolk, Nebraska in partnership with Orphan Grain Train. It contains 300,000 meals of a nutrient enriched rice along with clothing and medical supplies. Another container was sent from our Langley, BC warehouse. We packed it full of 420,000 meals of soup from the Fraser Valley Gleaners along with clothing, educational material and medical equipment.

TAGS : Zimbabwe food medical supplies

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